“Made in USA” Cases

In Benson v. Kwikset Corp, we led a legal team that won significant injunctive relief for false advertising as “Made in USA” in violation of California “Made in USA” requirements and unfair competition/consumer protection law. Kwikset Corp. moved its manufacturing from Anaheim, California to a facility in Mexico yet continued to market their products as [...]

2018-05-03T15:57:52+00:00August 18th, 2014|Accomplishments, Complex Litigation, Consumer Protection|

Guidant Heart Defibrillator

CGL's Charles LaDuca served as class counsel in the Guidant Heart Defibrillator litigation which settled for over $205 million in 2008. On behalf of a nationwide class of patients implanted with the Guidant Ventak Prizm defibrillator, our suit alleged that Guidant Corporation misrepresented the safety of its defibrillators, which are subject to short circuiting and [...]

2018-01-14T19:52:27+00:00August 18th, 2014|Accomplishments, Complex Litigation, Consumer Protection|

Joe Camel advertising campaign

Our firm played an important role in the California tobacco cases that ended the "Joe Camel" campaign. The defendant's advertising campaign targeted teens and children. As a key player in the first case challenging the "Joe Camel" campaign as a violation of California's unfair competition/consumer protection law, we helped expose R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company's "youth [...]

2018-05-03T16:00:08+00:00August 18th, 2014|Accomplishments, Complex Litigation, Consumer Protection|

Mid-western Retail Convenience Store Managers Recover $13.1 million in Overtime

For tens of thousands of employees of a retail convenience store chain operating in the mid-western states, we won a significant amount of overtime compensation due them for their "off-the-clock" work. This $13.1 million settlement is one of the largest ever achieved in a case of this kind in the Midwest.

IIF Data Solutions

Mr. Cynkar was brought in at the eleventh hour as part of a new legal team to help defend a 600-employee government contractor from accusations that it had defrauded the government in its GSA Schedule Contract. With over $100 million claimed in damages, and the threat of debarment from government contracting if found guilty, this [...]

Hungarian Gold Train

CGL represented Hungarian Holocaust survivors whose property found on the "Gold Train" in the final days of World War II was appropriated by the U.S. government. We served as co-lead counsel in this landmark class-action Rosner v. United States which alleged that the plaintiffs' personal property was loaded on a train by the Hungarian Nazi [...]

Supreme Court Upholds Miranda Rights

The House Democratic Leadership retained CGL to represent it in the Supreme Court case Dickerson v. United States, on the constitutionality of Miranda rights. The issue was whether a provision of a bill passed by Congress had overturned the Supreme Court's ruling in Miranda v. Arizona, which established the constitutionality of "Mirandizing" suspects. In an [...]

Natural Gas Antitrust Cases

The counties of Los Angeles and San Bernardino retained CGL to pursue litigation against El Paso Natural Gas Co. and Sempra Natural Gas, suppliers of natural gas in Southern California. We alleged collusion to restrict supply of natural gas, creating subsequent dramatic price increases. Serving as co-counsel for both counties as well as several public [...]

2018-01-14T19:52:42+00:00August 18th, 2014|Accomplishments, Antitrust, Complex Litigation|


The Attorney General of West Virginia appointed Jonathan Cuneo and Daniel Cohen to prosecute an action against Visa/MasterCard for alleged violations of West Virginia's consumer and antitrust statutes. The case involved a policy maintained by Visa and MasterCard that required merchants to accept Visa/MasterCard debit cards if, as nearly all merchants do, they also accepted [...]

2018-01-14T19:52:42+00:00August 6th, 2014|Accomplishments, Antitrust, Complex Litigation|
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