Pamela B. Gilbert Supports Reintroduction of CALERA by Senator Amy Klobuchar
Pamela B. Gilbert, partner at Cuneo Gilbert & LaDuca, LLP and Executive Director of the Committee to Support the Antitrust Laws (COSAL), applauds Senator Amy Klobuchar for reintroducing the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act (CALERA).
“The reintroduction of CALERA marks a significant step in strengthening antitrust enforcement and ensuring a more competitive marketplace for consumers and businesses alike,” said Gilbert. “In particular, the bill’s provisions—like establishing an antitrust whistleblower bounty, banning forced arbitration in antitrust class actions, providing prejudgment interest, and allowing direct evidence of market power—are key to making our economy fairer and more transparent.”
Read Senator Klobuchar’s statement: